wheel repair , unbending wheels, straightening wheel car and motorcycles, wheel refinish and wheel powder coating
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Atlas Plating/Powder
8303 Bauman Rd
Houston TX 77022
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Wheel Repair

Description Price
Wheel Repair
Repair / unbenting / straightening NO CRACK $100+
Repairs including crack / cracks $125+
Reapir and recondition to Silver powder Coat $175+
Sanding back side to stop a air leak $75+
Cleaning Curb rashes and Scratches only $40+
Two & Three piece Wheel
dismount remount, Seal and torque to specs $150+ each

We do a full line of services on wheels, from repair to powder coating, paint stripping, media blasting and stop air from leaking out.We fix curb rashes and chips. please contact us for any question you may have about fixing your rim.
Please Remove the tires, caps and sensors. dismounting tire cost $7.5 each and remount/balance $15+ 
Chrome Plating Specials
Chrome plate all hand levers, foot pegs, peg brackets and heat shields(levers = 4, pegs = 4, peg brackets = 4 and Heel guards = 2) sport bikes $425 

5% off for Active Military Personnel, Police Officers and Firefighters

Minimum Order $50